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Flabio & Lavinia




Our wedding day was a day of complete surprise and wonder. A day that we had been planning for what had felt like an eternity. So, after many years of thorough planning and preparation, we opted for a summer wedding. The date was set, it was to be 23 August 2021. The location was the Church of S.S. Trinità, Scurcola Marsicana. and finally, the time was set for 4:30 in the afternoon.

What happened next was what I can best describe as a dream. From the very first moment where the church doors opened to the very last goodbye of our last guest. The whole experience flew past us so fast. Indeed, our whole day was a whirlwind of emotions. On the day our feelings and our emotions took us by surprise and completely overwhelmed us until the very last moment.

Today when we think back to our wedding day. The day we like to call “our yes” day we are automatically transported to a time, a place where we relive every moment. Even to the point where we are able to live every sensation, clearly!


Flavio & Lavina


23 Agosto 2021


Chiesa S.S. Trinità, Scurcola Marsicana. Ristorante Guerrinuccio, Celano (AQ).

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Our Wedding Photography


The lasting memories of our wedding day will forever remain with us. However, the memories that shine the brightest are not only the shining eyes of our loved ones. But also, the joyful applause as we walked together, hand in hand down the church aisle as husband and wife. Indeed, equally impressive was the overwhelming support and huge positive energy we received from everyone. Especially our friends, and all of our family members that made us feel so loved. For us, they are all so special, so cherished. Not only because they wanted to accompany us on our amazing journey. But because they will forever play such a key part in our lives.

“The voices shouting in chorus. Congratulations!”

Likewise, I distinctively remember the intoxicating smell of fresh flowers. Even the way the confetti and the huge deluge of rice which rained down upon us like a mid-winter storm. In fact, we tried in vain to protect ourselves from this never-ending rice shower. But the only thing that managed to distract us from this thunder of rice was the voices. The voices we heard were those full of emotion and joy. Shouting, in chorus. Congratulations!

Having a wedding during a pandemic is not easy. However, for us, the date 23.08.2021 will live on forever. Such powerful memories. Memories of quarantines and of the desire to want to be together again.

“wonderful professionals that worked so hard to guarantee such a fairy tale wedding”

To hold hands. Even to hug each other. Moreover, for us, our wedding ceremony was our small world of normality. in fact, for a brief moment, we were able to prioritize ourselves. Indeed, we were able to toast, dance, and breathe a small breath of “normality”. For a moment in time, it was beautiful!

To summarise, the date of 23 August 2021 for us will forever bring us a whirlwind of images and emotions. A date that will remain in our hearts forever.

However, none of this would have been possible if it were not for the wonderful team of professionals we had helping us. Therefore we would also like to say thank you. Thank you to all the wonderful professionals that worked so hard to guarantee such a fairy tale wedding. All were so professional. in fact, they all did their work with extreme competence and always with a smile!

Thank you


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To know that through our art we can evoke so many happy emotions.
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It truly makes this job one of the most rewarding jobs ever.

Daniele Saracino

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